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Category Archives: mobile marketing

Recorrido launches mobile Booking App in Latin America

By | Allgemein, external link, mobile marketing | No Comments

Wednesday recorrido.cl perented their new mobile booking app in Santiago, Chile. As leading booking platform for city-to-city bus travel in latin america recorrido moves onto mobiles and personalized booking services on smartphones for easier booking services. The App developed by Netstart Systems for recorrido enables mobile ticketing, mobile payment and boarding.

CNN (Chile) delivered a special report about the launch of the app.

Screenshot 8

The iOS App will launch shortly.



recorrido Booking-App for Bustravel starts Roll-out

By | Allgemein, mobile marketing, Trends | No Comments

Recorrido, headquartered in Santiago Chile, Latin America’s leading Ticket booking system for City-to-City travel, has rolled out it’s real time Bus-Ticketing App. NetStart Systems is proud to announce it has developed the real time ticketing App for recorrido.cl. Successively rolled out to the customers, recorrido invited it’s prime customers to the initial roll-out. Personalized invitations to download and use the new recorrido App where sent out to the growing recorrido customer base. After these public tests, all of recorrido’s the customers can access the App and Real-Time Bus Travel ticketing shortly.

NetStart Systems supports the Ticketing-App roll-out, enabling Real-Time ticketing and booking for recorrido city-to-city Bus travels,. Recorrido.cl plans to expand Bus Ticketing throughout all of Latin America.

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Mobile eats the world…

By | Allgemein, Enterprise Mobile, external link, mobile marketing, Trends | No Comments

Recently, Andreesen-Horowitz Partner Benedict Evans presented the below slides with new data and analysis of what’s happening in mobile. The Analysis maps out the staggering mobile growth across the planet and puts it in perspective by comparing with ‚old‘ internet-growth data sets. Now the mobile Tsunami which was forecasted in the early 2000’s is rolling all over us. Mobile is eating the world: PeoplexConnectionsxDevicesxApps

VoiceCart and ScanCart: mobile Shopping extension

By | Allgemein, mobile marketing | No Comments

Imagine your customer could access your Inventory via Voice and add it to his personal shopping cart with a single voice command. Imagine your Customer can add a product to the shopping cart and order it by simply scanning the inventory Barcode? All of this becomes real with NetStart Systems VoiceCart, on a consumer Hardware SmartPhone – no additional Hardware required. VoiceCart lets a customer Query simple Product Inventory catalogs like those of Supermarkets, Groceries and Beverage suppliers and responds with Lists of available Items from Inventory for Home delivery. The Customer selects and adds the product to his cart with one click. For more Complex product categories, the customer scans the Inventory Barcode to identify the product and add it to his or her shopping or order cart. Simple, effective, time-saving and secure.

Access to the shopping Cart-Account is configured once only and our server backend controls the authentication on an anonimized basis. Only you know what your customer is ordering.

Six methods for Augmenting Reality on SmartPhones.

By | Augmented Reality, mobile marketing | No Comments

To Augment Reality two main features of the Smartphone are being used: The CameraView and the ability to draw extra information in a graphic layer on top of the CameraView. With this the View for the User can be annotated with additional data on top of the camera signal. This method of Augmentation get’s really interesting when the data is connected to the exact geo position of the device, or when its position and direction can be used to add information on things surrounding the user in real life.

There are multiple SDK’s and methods in the market to help developers to achieve their goals in building an Augmentation-App, the Six below are the most promising.

Let’s see what they got to offer:

Offering iOS Android Windows Phone HTML5 Cost
ARLabAR Browser Yes Yes n/a n/a 199€ per platform
ARPA SDK Yes Yes n/a n/a Auf Anfrage
DroidAR n/a Yes n/a n/a Open Source
GART – Geo Augmented Reality Toolkit n/a n/a Yes n/a Open source
Layar Geo SDK Yes Yes n/a n/a 7500€ per annum
Wikitude SDK Yes Yes n/a Yes Free (Watermarked), between 99 and 1499 €

Bericht auf Gutscheinrausch zu der Commerzbank App

By | Allgemein, mobile marketing | No Comments

Fazit und Video zur Commerzbank App für Android und iOS

Gutscheinrausch schreibt im Fazit: „Vielseitig und klar präsentiert sich die Commerzbank App für euer Smartphone nicht nur im Video, welches euch die App vorstellt. Auch auf eurem Smartphone könnt ihr damit mobiles Banking in zuverlässiger Form erleben. Verwaltet euer Konto flexibel und jederzeit und greift auch auf eure Abrechnungen der Kreditkarte zu und tätigt Überweisungen. Auch mobile Brokerage habt ihr mit der Commerzbank App jederzeit im Griff. Dazu bietet euch der Servicebereich umfangreiche Hilfe. Vereinbart einen Termin mit eurem Berater, sucht den nächsten Geldautomaten oder nutzt das Finanz-Glossar um die Bank-Sprache besser zu verstehen. Auf diese Weise bietet euch die Commerzbank App mobiles Banking nach eurem Geschmack.“

Work – Shop: Are you familiar with our offerings?

By | Allgemein, mobile marketing | No Comments

Swift Workshops. Accelerated Advantages.

NetStart Systems offers short, precise and pragmatic workshops – in which you establish where your business case can be enhanced in the eBusiness Eco-System. Focusing on better results for your company in E-Commerce or Business.

Consulting Units: Consistent packages,
focused on you.
Our work-shop packages are well defined: For each area of business you choose, we’ll give you an overview on current technology use and use case examples. In two hours we’ll provide you with thorough insight. After this introduction, we will join you in a work-shop to look at your use cases and define potential mobile or eBusiness enhancements that support your bottom line.
These work-shops are available in the following areas:
Retail – mobile, TV and Eco-System
Banking – mobile, TV and Eco-System
Services – mobile Processes and Apps
Machines- management and integration
Device Management – BYOD and MDM
Machine-2-Machine – M2M and Cloud Services
Tracking – Mobile, SIM, Networks and Cloud
News/Media – Surviving with mobile and web

Individual work-shop packages are available from 4.500,- € – These contain travel cost, the work shop with two of our consultants itself, as well as a post-work-shop roadmap presentation of the work shop results and advise for your specific use case.
Other themes, like iBeacon or In-Store Tracking are available on request.

The next three customers who contact us via facebook are eligible to a 1500,- rebate on one of our work-shop packages. Don’t be late and claim your package!

Location Based Services – What technology to use.

By | Allgemein, Augmented Reality, mobile marketing | No Comments
Vision Mobile has published an excellent overview on LBS technology. On mobiles API’s they write: ‚The key feature of the APIs provided by all the major platforms is that they insulate you from the underlying technology used to acquire location/direction information. As might be expected, given this is the core enabling technology for location based apps and services, the features offered across the main platforms are fairly uniform, as shown in the following table‘:

iOS (7) Android (4.x) Windows Phone 8 HTML5
Location providers GPS and GPS/Cell/WiFi GPS and Cell/WiFi GPS/Cell/WiFi Platform specific, mainly GPS
Location (lat/long) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Altitude Yes Yes Yes Yes
Direction of travel Yes Yes Yes Yes
Direction facing Yes Yes, sensor API Yes, sensor API Yes, Orientation API
Geocoding/Reverse Geocoding Yes Yes Yes No
Background tracking Yes Yes Yes Platform dependent

In the article on Developer Economics many more details for the use LBS Services can be found. A great read which you may find here:

Developer Economics zu LBS

Affinity – SOCIAL CRM

By | Allgemein, mobile marketing | No Comments

Affinity – SOCIAL CRM
Affinity CRM uses Big-Data analysis to annotate your Customer Data in CRM with insights on social ‘presence’ and ‘influence’. With SOCIAL CRM you are able to analyze who is in contact with whom and what influence a customer has his or her specific social network. You’ll be able to analyze what affinities with regard to Media, Brands and Products exist, and who is advocating your Brand. The data can be used to optimize and target context specific campaigning and targeting.

‚Free the Forced‘ Campaign by DGVN awarded by Horizont

By | Allgemein, mobile marketing | No Comments

A Campaign by the ‚Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen‘ against forced marriages „Free the Forced“ by von Cheil, Frankfurt won great attention. It won amongst the creative rankings on Horizont Magazine. The campaign smartly bridges the media-gap between offline and online via mobile. We think it’s a great concept.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen „Free the Forced“ von Cheil, Frankfurt
