Professional App Development for B2B and B2C.
TechHub EU is active in development of B2C Consumer Apps, Tracking and Telematics, Banking and Financial Services, Insurance, Process optimization and Industry Apps.

App Development and Services for iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows
TechHub EU offers App development for all current platforms. Our expert development team and User Interface experts have vast experience in developing Apps for the smartphone or on tablets. TechHub EU holds great expertise in building apps which are easy to use, while covering complex business processes. We develop for Enterprise and App Store distribution.
We offer a structured process from the initial idea, via wire-framing and mockups toward the development and release of the app. Our focus lies on App Security and best-in-class User Interface and User Experience. To leverage security of apps we offer our CodeProtection SDK, with which apps can be protected and secured from re-engineering, hacking, against malware and attacks.
As Service we deliver Life-Cycle-Management and support to ensure your app is, and remains available. Under Life-Cycle-Management your App Code is continuously tested and updated to support the upcoming OS releases of the manufacturers or in support of third party API changes, and will be updated automatically. On top of this we offer customer App-Store Management and OTA (Over The Air) distribution and installation.
Building Blocks for Mobile
TechHub EU offers, for the efficient and faster implementation of mobile business processes, specially designed Back-End Services and API’s for Apps. Goal of our ‚Building Blacks for Mobile‘ is to integrate with and build apps supporting complex mobile business models faster. Our Building-Blocks are highly reliable and scalable, and are built on latest Cloud and API technologies in the market.
We offer a vast set of value added services supporting app and user communication as Building Blocks for Mobile. Mobile business Building-Blocks consist of an App-SDK and a Services and API backend which can be monitored via a dashboard web app.
With our Building Blocks for Mobile, services can be deployed and integrated swiftly while avoiding unnecessary dedicated backend development costs. Below you’ll find further details on these building blocks.
Push Messaging, Review Campaigns, In App Purchase, App Metrics und Analytics, GPS-Publishing, Wallet-Services & more
Our Building blocks for Mobile.
App Engagement Booster
Block 1

Push Notification Service
TechHub EU Push Messaging allows you to integrate Push Messaging for iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows in your Apps. On the Backend dashboard Push Campaigns can be configured and scheduled. Campaigns can run against Subscribers or target specific devices and app versions. Campaigns can contain a URL to be opened in-App or externally in a device Browser. Via the Push Service API user configurations from the App Settings or via App events enable personalization of subscriptions. Sample benefits of Push: Retention rates are raised by 100% on average, leads to 26% more opens a month. The TechHub Push Service connects with Apple APNS, Google GCM, BlackBerry PM and Windows ANH.
Block 2

App Review Campaign Service
TechHub EU Store Campaign Service allows you to campaign for App Store reviews in your Apps. On the Backend dashboard Review Campaigns can be configured and published. Requests for Reviews can be configured by timing and frequency. App Users who complete reviews are automatically opted out from the campaign. Review Campaigns are a strong driver for better Store Ratings and trigger up to 80% more reviews posted.
Block 3

GPS Publishing and POI Services
TechHub EU GPS Publishing Service enables you to show maps with precise location overlays for POI’s or POS in your App. The SDK offers slick map views and listings, enables routing and LBS searches. POI’s or POS like branches are ingested on the backend dashboard and can be published to maps by Apple, Google, Here, MS Bing, OSM and Services like FourSquare. Usage metrics are available in the dashboard. The API enables rapid geo-coded searching and LBS resolution. POI’s can contain a configurable data set. Read more…
Block 4

App Analytics and Metrics
TechHub EU App Analytics and Metrics Service enables you to gather and measure detailed metrics in any App. The SDK, available on all platforms, enables fine granular definition of tracking data points or events. App and user metrics are transmitted in real time or are synched to the server after off-line situations. On the backend dashboard you can define detailed tracking data points and events to be measured in your app. All relevant metrics are represented in insightful graphs and can be analyzed on the dashboard.
Block 5

In-App Purchase Service
TechHub EU In-App Purchase Service allows you to easily integrate In-App Purchase and maintain Assets for your App. The SDK, available for iOS and Android, enables the sales of digital goods within your app and integrates with the asset management in the cloud. In the dashboard you can manage all your digital assets and have complete control over In-App purchase releases and processes. In-App Purchase Services also offer detailed metrics across your Apps, Markets and Assets in the backend dashboard.
Block 6

Wallet and Passbook Services
TechHub EU Wallet Services enables you to generate and distribute secure Wallet- (and frmr. Passbook) Cards from your App or Website. The SDK, available for iOS and Android, enables the integration in your App. Via the Wallet API payment processing and the distribution of Wallet Items is handled securely. On the backend dashboard you can manage all your digital Wallet items and have complete oversight on payments and the wallet item issuance process. Various types of Wallet Items are available, for Ticketing, Payment, Boarding, Events, Access etc.
Block 7

Facebook & Messenger Integration
Integrates booking and eCommerce processes with In-App facebook and other personal messenger communication. Bookings and other ecommerce processes can be unified, simplified and integrated in one messenger customer channel for customer communication. The entire customer communication and payment process can be unified in messaging, simplifying the complexities of ecommerce and booking processes on the mobile channel for you and your customers.
Block 8

Single Sign-on & Authentication
Our SSO and Authentication SDK enables the swift integration of SSO in your apps. This supports all app usecases and scenarios where you rely on secure access across multiple platforms. The SDK also supports intelligent out-of-band two factor authentication and no-password-requirement access.

App Security
More on CodeProtection for Apps…
- obfuscation of control flow
- Encryption of resources
- String encrypting
- Removal of meta data
- Hiding calls
- App checksum
- Detect debugging
- Verify resources
- Hook detection
- Swizzle detection
- Jailbreak and rooting detection
- Disable app
- Programmed reaction
- Alert User
- Alert backend
- Call home
The right platform for your App
Native Apps
Native Apps hand you the ability to interact with the device and operation system possibilities in the best way possible. Specifically in areas where security, processing speed and tools are requirements, native development comes in first.
Hybrid Apps
Hybrid Apps require a specific layer on which they interact with device and OS. This more light weight approach is suitable in such scenarios where CMS backend are used and media files need to played out to the device.
Web Apps
Pure responsive web based (HTML5) Apps live in the browser. HTML5 responsive Apps are most suitable in scenarios with fast changing content and information delivery.

Quelle: Google. Winning the shift to mobile, 2015.

Signal Fraud Detection Shield.
Signal Fraud Detection Shield is an unrivalled Suite of detection SDK’s for Web and App Security Monitoring and intelligent real time interference for banks and mission critical Apps and Websites. Monitor and Block users based on their behavioural ‚fingerprint‘ on mobile devices and high risk websites. Detect signals like location, device angle, touch pressure, fingers used and other metrics to ensure your customers stay safe and they haven’t become prey of hackers or being defrauded by users typically not using their accounts or devices. Real-time analyis and prevention based on our highly intelligent ‚fingerprinting‘ for legit users. For more information, contact us.
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