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Category Archives: external link

Recorrido launches mobile Booking App in Latin America

By | Allgemein, external link, mobile marketing | No Comments

Wednesday recorrido.cl perented their new mobile booking app in Santiago, Chile. As leading booking platform for city-to-city bus travel in latin america recorrido moves onto mobiles and personalized booking services on smartphones for easier booking services. The App developed by Netstart Systems for recorrido enables mobile ticketing, mobile payment and boarding.

CNN (Chile) delivered a special report about the launch of the app.

Screenshot 8

The iOS App will launch shortly.



Mobile eats the world…

By | Allgemein, Enterprise Mobile, external link, mobile marketing, Trends | No Comments

Recently, Andreesen-Horowitz Partner Benedict Evans presented the below slides with new data and analysis of what’s happening in mobile. The Analysis maps out the staggering mobile growth across the planet and puts it in perspective by comparing with ‚old‘ internet-growth data sets. Now the mobile Tsunami which was forecasted in the early 2000’s is rolling all over us. Mobile is eating the world: PeoplexConnectionsxDevicesxApps

The white space

By | Allgemein, external link | No Comments

Read Kenny Tomlin, Founder & CEO, Rockfish’s Post on Linkedin.

The “white space” are those market opportunities your company must pursue even if it means disrupting your existing business model. Why Apple and not Sony? Why Netflix and not Blockbuster? Why Amazon and not Barnes & Noble? Because those businesses were simply unwilling to disrupt what at that moment was a working business model. They didn’t understand how rapidly the changes in our infrastructure were going to disrupt their business, and as a result missed out on a major new market opportunity.


What’s the real Use Case for Wearables? Some thoughts.

By | Allgemein, external link | No Comments

The Analyst and expert on Wearable technology KEVIN MCCULLAGH makes interesting points about the relative value in the Use-Cases for Wearables. Yet, he states on Fact.CoDesign: ‚On a less creepy front, remote care of the elderly has huge potential. The number of elderly people wishing to live independently for longer is already huge, and growing rapidly. This group is less attached to mobile phones compared with younger generations, and the current fall detectors and alarm button pendants on offer are demeaning. The Tele-Care industry is also fragmented, antiquated, and ripe for consolidation.‘

Read more on this here:
FastCo about ‚Wearables‘
