Recently, Andreesen-Horowitz Partner Benedict Evans presented the below slides with new data and analysis of what’s happening in mobile. The Analysis maps out the staggering mobile growth across the planet and puts it in perspective by comparing with ‚old‘ internet-growth data sets. Now the mobile Tsunami which was forecasted in the early 2000’s is rolling all over us. Mobile is eating the world: PeoplexConnectionsxDevicesxApps
Category Archives: Enterprise Mobile
Somewhere down the line, big organizations are going to notice that something strange is happening around them. Big banks for instance, struggle to become lean (and mean) at rolling out services to their customers. Services that pop up anywhere around them, stemming from small but ferocious competitors. They are stuck in organizations that are divided in too complex roles, no-one is engaged in end to end processes and business interests are still grouped in old school vertical hubs where marketing, operations, it and business line owners need to battle a day to day INTERNAL battle, loosing time and the real outside customer while doing so. Yes you reorganized for agile and scrum, but you are still getting nowhere. Here is a presentation by a bank doing things differently – in a very different and smart organization model. scrapping outside consultants, going horizontal and flat in structure and resourceful and speedy by hiring the best engineers and not allowing new silos to arise.
We encourage you to listen to the talk!
With the release of ‚Android for Work‘ Google made a big leap forwards to enterprise readiness for it’s android OS. By separating the installation and data layers for apps installed by the user and those, installed by enterprise IT management apps now can be safely controlled by IT staff. Rights management, data and communications security now are strictly separated between enterprise and consumer apps.
Apps ‚for Work‘ are distributed via ‚Google Play for Work‘ (the service name sems a little awkward) and are under management of enterprise IT specialists.

Business data is strictly separated from personal data on the device.
Data Protection
Business data is encrypted and can be wiped remotely as well as managed via VPN access.
App Security
App management is done by internal enterprise IT staff and distributed independently via ‚Google Play of Work‘.